Hot Naked Ukrainian Lina gets a ring in her Pussy

She wanted to get a piercing on her pussy lips but was shit to do it so made me go with her. She was told to take off all her clothes then sit on the chair with legs open so he could play with her pussy and see what to do. Tisturned her on lol. Then he tied her feet down so she couldnt move, safer as was about to pierce her pussy. He pushed an oddly big dildo into her pussy then asked me to hold her pussy lips and pullthem open. Everyone there came to watch. He asked one guy to hold her hands behind her head, another one to hold hands between her legs to keep them open.

Then he poured oil all over her and fingered her clit.We all held her down. He played with her just until she came then piereced her pussy. She didnt even notice lol, he was clever. He said “it is done” but she wasnt yet. let the guys fuck her then me. Not how I thought this would go lol.